In a significant step towards addressing Malawi’s pressing public health needs, the Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM) has launched the Diploma in Public Health Curriculum. The function took place on 8 October 2024 in Mponela Dowa under the theme “Contextualizing the Public Health Education to Malawian Needs”. The program is designed to equip healthcare workers with the skills and knowledge to tackle the country’s health challenges.
Mr. Allone Ganizani, the Deputy Director of Preventive Health Services from the Ministry of Health, who was the Guest of Honour described the launch as an exciting milestone in the Public Health Education in Malawi, and stressed the importance of strengthening the public health workforce in this rapidly evolving field.
CHAM executive Director, Happy Makala, says the initiative is aimed at addressing the health needs and challenges that Malawi face as well as training of work force in the country.
The initial phase of implementation will see the program being rolled out in the following 5 CHAM colleges:
1. St. John’s Institute for Health
2. St. Joseph College of Health Sciences
3. Trinity College of Health Sciences
4. St. Luke’s College of Health Sciences
5. Mulanje Mission College of Nursing and Midwifery
CHAM is a leading trainer of Mid-level healthcare providers in Malawi with 11 training institutions across the country offering programs such as nursing, clinical medicine, pharmacy, biomedical studies etc.