International Women’s Day 2016: CHAM Pledges for Parity

The theme of 2016’s International Women’s Day was #PledgeForParity – that is, think of one step you can take to make gender parity a reality. CHAM staff took this pledge – see our pledges below!

2 thoughts on “International Women’s Day 2016: CHAM Pledges for Parity”

  1. Do you know that when do we celebrate international women’s day? We celebrate it every third week of May. This is the day to give an award to our essay edit superheroes who play an important role in society. It is the day to tell them that we are nothing without them.

  2. Please tell me what is gender equality? In the right to wave a shovel on an equal footing with a man, or add a female ending to the names of positions and professions, or maybe we will make them give birth? It is not gender equality that needs to be sought, but respect for women.

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