Official Opening of Lulanga Health Centre

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The Official Handover of Lulanga Maternity Wing

2nd June, 2021


Hon. Minister cutting the ribbon (M), Supported by NCA CD (L) and Bishop Malasa (R)
On 1st June 2021, Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) handed over a maternity wing, a staff house, two waiting homes and an incinerator at Lulanga Health Centre in Mangochi District.  The function was presided over by the Honorable Minister of Health and Population, Khumbize Kandodo Chiponda (MP).
Lulanga Health Centre is located at 123 kilometers northeast of Mangochi District.  The facility serves a population of 42,000.
During the event, Honorable Minister applauded NCA for constructing a magnificent facility worth MWK 300 Million. In her remarks she said, “This facility will contribute towards better health outcomes for mothers, news born, children and people of Lulanga.  The maternity unit, which has been built here at Lulanga will help to offer quality maternal, neonatal and child health services thereby preventing unnecessary maternal and neonatal deaths.’’

NCA has been a traditional donor on maternal and neonatal health in Malawi.  NCA in collaboration with Christian Health Association of Malawi (CHAM), started the implementation of the maternal and neonatal health project at Lulanga in 2016.


A view of Lulanga Health Center’s new maternity wing
Giving her speech at the ceremony, the Director of Finance and Administration of CHAM said “Through the generous financial assistance from our partner we are here today, at Lulanga Health Center witnessing the official opening of these two waiting homes, maternity wing and the staff house. Having a waiting home is one way of reducing risks of home deliveries which leads to unnecessary maternal and neonatal deaths. The maternity wing will provide space for hospital deliveries and having three additional houses provides accommodation for staff who are needed to work in these modern facilities. We all have a dream of having a Malawi where all births are attended to by skilled personnel in a hospital set up to eliminate all the dangers associated with home deliveries.’’

The construction has been furnished with modern technologies in order for the facility to offer integrated maternal, neonatal and child health services, which will help women to access health care under a single roof.

The Country Director of NCA, Mr Håvard Hovdhaugen  expressed gratitude towards the positive relationship that has existed between NCA and CHAM over the years.  He said, “Despite NCA releasing the financial support, it could not have done it if it were not for the collaboration.  This facility will help to serve the people of Lulanga very well”.

Other people present during the occasion were, the Secretary for Health Dr. Charles Mwansambo, Traditional Authority Lulanga, CHAM Director of Health Programmes, Proprietor Bishop Brighton Vita Malasa Bishop of Anglican Diocese of Upper and Representatives from Mangochi DHO.

For more pictures of the event, visit our Gallery

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