Our Impact

Our Impact

Through its network of over 184 healthcare facilities and 11 training hospitals, CHAM has a substantial impact on the health of individuals and communities in Malawi. Below are some examples of our impact.

Health Facilities

  • CHAM health facilities deliver 37% of health services in Malawi, and serves a catchment area of 30% of Malawi’s population.
  • 85% of Malawi’s population is rural. CHAM provides up to 75% of health services in rural areas.
  • In 2013, 54% of CHAM facilities offered modern family planning services, while most others provided education on natural methods.
  • CHAM facilities provide 22% of Malawi’s antenatal care, and deliver 23% of Malawi’s babies.
  • In 2020, CHAM provide testing and counseling services for HIV to about 380, 412 individuals representing a 19% of the national number.
  • Health facilities have implemented numerous community-based projects, including school-based eye clinics, family planning and HIV prevention programs and empowerment programs.

Training Colleges

  • ​CHAM graduates 80% of Malawi’s mid-level healthcare professionals, making it a main partner in the development of human resources for health.
  • In 2020, CHAM offered 11 different training degrees at its member training colleges, including clinical medicine, mental health degrees, and multiple degrees in nursing and midwifery.
  • 95% of CHAM trainees have their fees paid through scholarship programs, chiefly sponsored by the Malawi government and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
  • From 2004 to 2011, CHAM training colleges increased their intake of new trainees by over 60%, and is committed to expanding training colleges further.


  • With financial aid from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CHAM is implementing various projects: (i) Faith and Community Initiative Project with an aim of strengthening the delivery, coordination and monitoring of HIV Services in Malawi through Faith Based Institution, (ii) Voluntary Male Medical Circumcision project with a goal of increasing coverage of male circumcision among the age group 15 – 40, (iii) Optimizing Human Resources for Health to Sustain Epidemic Control in Malawi Project.
  • CHAM with funding from USAID through FHI 360 is implementing EMPOWER Project with an aim of providing HIV and AIDS, Family Planning and general services to adolescent girls and young women in Machinga and Zomba Districts.
  • The SLA program expands coverage of essential health services for the poor population by removing user fees at CHAM facilities. This program expands coverage for the Essential Health Package (EHP)  services with an aim of achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) for the poor population by making health services free at the point of delivery in CHAM facilities. Under SLAs the MOH reimburses CHAM health facilities for providing an agreed package of essential health services free of charge to the community. Over the years the program is known for a positive contribution towards improving health outcomes
  • CHAM is also implementing SCOPE Project in collaboration with World Relief Malawi and with financial support from USAID through CCIH. 

Future Directions

  • CHAM’s aims and goals for the next years and our plan to achieve them is outlined in the  2020-2024 Strategic Plan Towards Sustainable Church-Based Health Care in Malawi.
  • Clear, consistent communication amongst our facilities is crucial to the success of CHAM and each of its members. We are currently developing and piloting a communications and advocacy strategy to help us to disseminate best practices, address problems and challenges and present a united front against health inequities.
  • In tandem with our communications strategy, we are also developing a CHAM-wide monitoring, evaluation and research strategy, so we can better identify “bright spots” and challenges in our member units.
  • Acknowledging the importance of high-quality care, CHAM hopes to improve the caliber of its training programs and expand educational opportunities for clinicians and other staff. 
  • CHAM hopes to revise its constitution so as to ensure the most efficient, effective governance structure possible.
  • We hope to expand our use of information and communication technology (ICT) at a local and national level.
  • Recognizing the importance of sustainability, CHAM has introduced the business development unit to generate income.