Strengthening organizational capacity in Kenya, Malawi, and South Sudan

Deirdre Churcha, Mona Bormetb, Evelyn Gathuruc, Richard Gumad, Gift Werekhwee

This reports on a US-AID-funded project which engages faith-based organizations to strengthen their organizational capacity as they implement reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health grant activities. Implementing partners in Kenya, Malawi, and South Sudan completed the self-administered Organization Capacity Assessment and created corresponding action plans based on the assessment results. Each organization completed the priority activities that they identified in their action plans; strengthening staff capacity, sharpening monitoring and evaluation systems; and improving information systems. We conclude that grantmakers’ investment in strengthening the organizational capacity of their implementing partners results in the grantees having improved internal systems and being better positioned to obtain and execute future grant opportunities.

Read the full Report on a US-AID funded project