Training Health Workers

Year after year, CHAM’s training colleges are reducing the practitioner-to-patient ratio in Malawi. The CHAM Secretariat’s training office is responsible for the coordination of these training colleges, providing technical assistance and guidance. CHAM currently operates 12 training colleges:

Recent years have seen improvements in pre-service training outcomes: The training output of the colleges has increased, and since 2011, graduation rates have increased three-fold. ​4,110 students and 163 training staff were registered at the colleges in 2015. 1,093 new students were admitted in 2015 in the following programs: Nurse Midwife Technician (NMT) (863 admittees); Clinical Officer (108 admittees); Laboratory Technician; (70); Public Health Officers (30). CHAM training institutions graduated a class of 849 healthcare workers in 2015 in the following programs: NMT (551), Clinical Officer (105), Community Midwifery Assistant (91), Medical Assistants (54), and Laboratory Technician (38).

CHAM training colleges prepare their students for success. Last year, CHAM training college students achieved a 97% pass rate in NMT licensure examinations (our biggest group of graduates). This is thanks to the work of proprietors, sponsors, CHAM’s partners, the college leadership team, CHAM staff, and the hard work of students and their families.