Expanding Malawi HIV/AIDS Prevention with Local Organization Working for Effective Epidemic Response Project (EMPOWER)
Donor Partner
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Family Health International (FHI)360
Duration : 2020 – 2022
Focus Areas
- HIV/AIDS prevention and intervention
- Adolescents Girls and Young Women
- DREAMS Package
- Machinga District
- Zomba District
Project Overview
The Expanding Malawi HIV/AIDS Prevention with Local Organizations Working for an Effective Epidemic Response (EMPOWER) – DREAMS AGYW Services project is a five-year (March 5, 2020 to March 4, 2025) Cooperative Agreement between the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Family Health International (FHI 360).
EMPOWER is delivered through a consortium led by FHI360. CHAM is Local Implementing Partner alongside Pakachere mandated to provide high quality comprehensive integrated HIV and SRH clinical outreach services within the EMPOWER Activity. EMPOWER is promoting AGYW access to HIV and STI services.
The goal of Malawi EMPOWER is to support the Government of Malawi (GoM)’s commitment to epidemic control by stopping HIV transmission and preventing new HIV infections, particularly among AGYW (10–24 years old) and men. The specific objective is to: Increase uptake of integrated health services targeting AGYW.
Project Result Areas
The project is set to achieve the Intermediate results below:
- Increased availability of and access to high quality integrated SRH/ HIV services for AGYW
- Increased utilization of integrated SRH/HIV services for AGYW
- Improved access and adherence to PrEP by AGYWs who meet national criteria Maintain a shared database to track layering of services for DREAMS beneficiaries
- Strengthen Linkage and Referrals for AGYW to DREAMS services implemented by other partners
Project Key Indicators
CHAM EMPOWER Project tracks a total of 13 key indicators as follows:
To date EMPOWER has reached 26557 adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), provided HIV testing services to 6312, while 4326 were offered HIV self-testing services. EMPOWER also initiated 26 AGYW to Pre Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV services.