Vaccine Action Network Project

Christian Health Association of Malawi with funding from Rockefeller Foundation through Amref Health Africa is implementing a one-year project in the districts of Phalombe and Chiradzulu.  The goal of the project is to contribute to the reduction of COVID-19 morbidity, in Chiradzulu and Phalombe District, through increasing COVID-19 vaccine uptake.

To increased uptake of COVID-19 Vaccine in Phalombe and Chiradzulu districts, the project intends to use community structures and village champions as examples to increase confidence of villagers to get vaccinated. The other approach that the project will use outreach activities as an integrated approach with other services offered e.g. screening.

The use of facility management teams, and training of gatekeepers will help to increase the sustainability of project investment as these are permanent and government supported structures. Furthermore, the project will target locations and populations of focus by the district thus complementing their efforts.

At Facility and community levels, learning will be done through mass Media while continued engagement with District Exective Committee (DEC) will ensure district stakeholders are kept within the loo of developments in the project. At national level, CHAM will continue its involvement in necessary TWGs e.g. health cluster committees.

The project will also build the capacity of the targeted facilities, health care workers and Community gatekeepers to mobilize communities for COVID-19 vaccination.